⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 2 מרץ 1942⁩ — _PURIM FESTIVITIES CANCELLED [⁨כתבה⁩]


_TELEPHONE subscribers in Haifa have been informed

that the a « tomauo exchange iL is lhe sev € nthdafter ™ j ay now which into . * is service 1 . expecdd 3 • being , install tne . di . be middle • brought , , _tneie , ot , - , - i _-, ne „ Qtrljrr . : _- 1 . j . a 010 . - u A _- . 1 _- ; . _^ * . . . _^ d oonc _^ . * : . _* , .. _, . tnis M . oy evcn : n _? a _ - * ded Lie resolution the . Subscribers v . o . i reyear

eclve new ni : . betas , which will in draa r . ext edition of appear tlic telephone dirc _. -tory . * * * _Agricultural problems , increased _pro-, _iction ll . rough the cultivation of idle land , were discussed at a meeting of the Kfar Ata Local Council with . the District Officer on Friday , j ...... A plea for a Local Council for Rantdtayim settlement was _matfe by representatives of the settlers during the visit there ! of the District Commiissioner , Mr . R . E . H . Crosbiethe As sispf the District Commissioner . , Mr . G . G . Grimwood , and the District Officer . Mr . J . - Kupper man A resolution to submit to the High _Commissioner a memorandum requesting loans to enable them to maintain , their citrus groves was adopted by a meeting of Arab of the Soutnern Disgrowers trict on Saturday , according to Falastin . The also paper states that the memorandum will request Government to purchase the citrus crop next year- and supply the growers with- fertilizers and machine oil .. * * * Recruiting for Palestinian units lias become brisker in Tra , _ns-Jordaii rcccntli . _t , Falas- • tin report v . j

* * * Sixty-year-old Esther Negeri of Haifa was knocked down and severely injured by a truck driven by H . Braun _yes 1 - tcrday .... ... 5-year-old boy who who knew his . address was found in the streets cf Haifa some distance from his home yesterday afternoon , un . il pass-ers-by took him home . : _ : * -r The hashish : seven and a crop half kilograms were caught on Ahmed Mohammed Bash Vassin at the Northern Fiontier lost _September , for which he was sentenced to one * imyear prisonment bv de Haifa District Court in Tbe . ia . s _-: _i Mondav .

* * * Charged with being in possession cf a shotgun . 31 rounds cf ammunition , and a dagger . Hussein Imdayif Sallam < 3 V » . cf the SawarkBeduin tribe . y told tbe Rehovoth _Magistral . Mr . B . Shitreet . that he needed the as he was involved weapons in a family blocd feud . He was fined LP 10 The Magistrate also fhied Mrs . Sua Gruzemovsky , a cafe proprietor . LP 15 for being in _possession

cf the _follo- drKr equipment j _\ s . 4 _, ; _^ L i from an Austral . an military I \ hospital : 42 sheets . 13 pairs of ; \ ¦ woollen stockings , 11 towels , 10 j > ¦ \ woollen shirts . 10 pairs of , J . V % woollen underclothes , 4 blan- \ kets . 24 tins of meat , 3 pillow u , < : _*

cases , and a case of butter In possession of two army sweaters , two pairs of shoes and a tin of tcbacco , Omar Mohammed Amar ] _X . was fined LP . 1 . 500 Mr . Shitreet also remanded a domestic servant . Rachel Musaei ( . 191 for 10 days on a charge cf stealing LP 3 . 3 and an ctld shilling over a period of eight uiondh ? from the home of Dr . YVeitzbrot , by whom site was employed The lrial at five settlers from En Geo on a charge of possessing arms will be held in the Military Court in Jerusalem today . * * * Youth from all parts of Palestine observed the eleventh of Adar , the anniversary of the defence of Tel Hai in Upper Galilee and the death of h Josep Trumpeldor and his companions , by torchlight parades and other ceremonies at the IL . 1 Hai monument On Friday and Saturday . * * * A memorial meeting in tribute to ihe iat . e M _ishe Yustman , leading Jewish journalist , in Poland who died in Tel Avivlast week , w _; , s addressed by former colleagues at the Press Club in Jerusalem yesterday afternoon . _Speakers were Mia G . Swet and Mr . J . Gravitsky .

* * * The Hebrew University s Committee on Adult Education . which has been headed for the la- _« t two years by Prof . A . H . Frenkel . will in future . be headed by Prof . M . Schwabe .

SHOT _BROTHER BY _ACCIDFNT HAIFA , Sunday . — For accidentally causing the death of his brother while playing with a revolver last December , a 16-vear-old bov of Damour village pleaded guilty and was _bo-uod over for one to be of good behavyear iour on a LP 10 bond by the Chief istrate . Mr . B . M . Mag Dickinson yesterday .

TEL AVIV , Sunday . — All i urim celebrations will oe can ce bed on Tuesdav as

at the recommendation oi the General Council ( Vaad Leumi / of Palestine Jews . Af : er the traditional reading of the Scroll of Esther in the _synagogues . a special prayer to be designated by the Chief Rabbi will be recited . _< The Struma Tragedy—Page 4 ) HAIFA _FOREMEN PARADE HAIFA , Sundav . ¦— A grand parade of the Haifa _\ olunteer Fire Brigade , in full equipment , was held in Hadar Hacarmel this afternoon , as part of the celebrations for the organization s fifth annive . rsary 1 The march-: was watched pas from tha balcony of the house of Bar Rav Hai . vicechairman of the Jewish Community Council , by a gathering that included the District Commissioner , Mr . J . H . H . Pollock , and Mrs . Pollock , the Assistant District Commissioner , Mr . Evans , the District Officer , Mr . Binah , and Mrs . Binah , Dr . M . Soloweitchik , Chairman of the Hadar Hacarmel Committee , the chief of the brigade , Mr . Bramson . and others .

Last Salute to The salute with which policemen greeted . the la _. te Judge Sherwell , President of tbo Jerusalem District Court , upon entering his . _CDuriroom , was given him for the lost time yesterday when members of the police force honoured his casket at his funeral at the Mount Zion cemeterv .

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t I- 0 • . _< . - -t i The Rev . Dr . A . J . G . Hawes conducted the funeral service at St . s Cathedral George where the casket was draped with the Union Jack . At the close of the service , a squad of British police constables bore the casket from tne Cathedral , preceded by a British Sergeant _, the Rev . Dr . Hawes leading the procession which marched at the . slow pace to tiie organ s playing of Chopin s Funeral March . Following the service at the cemetery , during which the police squad stood to attention bare-headed , the squad lowered the casket into the . A grave wreath from Mrs . _Shc-owell and her 10--old son John was year laced at the head of the p gi ave . ¦ The flag was flown at half mast over the Jerusalem Law d . L , _i : rts yesterday in memory of Judge Sher . ve : ! . A 10-mimites adjournment if Court will a .. ; o be observed tomorrow . Over die Haifa District Coord whe * e Judge Sherwell served as President from 1934 to 1 . -4 ? . the f _. -ig also Hew at half mas * . Members of the Bench and Bar vatic prominent at the funeral . which waalso attend- , ; ed by _Goveinme : t otacials , advocates and Cners .

Mourners and _Hreaths Ao _. -L _.. . M- _p-. _. -i _. -id were ng Ma ; or Xichol _ . A . iD . CL to the Commissionerwho - High , repre sented His Excellency : the Chief Justice , IMr . F . _Oordon-Sriiith ; tl-. e Chief Secretary . Mr . J . S . _Maeplfo _. -on ; the _Attorney Gene _. -al . Mi-. W . J . _EiUC-roa ! : the Financial deerotaio . Mr . G . Id _Saiulford : Sir Douglas and Lady Harris ; ana tiie Controller < yf Supplies represented by Id-. W . . J . Vickers . Mr . Justice Rose : Mr . Justice Edwardsthe D . strict Commis- ; sions _, _r . Mr . E . K _» -iih-Roacd _; the Depmv Inspector ( Leueral oi

Jiicf- _^ e _^ h # _» rwef ! Police . Captain Ballantyne ; Mr . Kenned y represented Mr . Webster , thePostmaster General ; the Solicitor General , Mr . J . B . Griffin ; the Crown Counsels , Messrs . M . J . P . Hogan and I . C . C . Rigby : Mr . Justice Frumkin ; Mr , Justice KhavatMr . Justice Abdul ; Hadi : Mr . L . A . W . Orrthe Pre- ; sident of the District Court , Judges Plunkett , Clive Curry . Shaw , Eodilly , Bourke ; Judge Valero ; the Registrar of Cooperative Societies , Mr . A . F . Xayton ; the Mayor of Jerusalem , Mustapha Bey Khalidi ; the Legal Adviser to the Jewish Agency , Dr . Bernard Joseph ; the Town Clerk . Mr . R . D . Badcock : the Deputy Mayor , Mr . D . Auster ; Shawki Bev and Mme . riaid ; Mr . J . H . Iliffe of tne Department ol * Antiquities ; Judges Hasna . Mani , Said Bey Tuqan ancl Bardaki ol tin : District Courts ; the Registrars of the Law Courts . . Messrs . Mutady , SUiman Aim Gbn / . alii and Habib Romsi : 1 _L - Mogis : rates . Messrs . _Zuekerman , A _/ ulai . Nuseioeh and Agra oat ; Raglieb Bev ancl Mme . _Od-shishibd Mr . EL Shelley : Mr . A . P . S . _tla . rkmembers of ; the Jewish and Arab Bar including Messrs . Abcarius Bey , M . Eiiash , Smoira . _Moghannam .

Cattan . Glurhnan , Eca- tsky , _Marsolin . Kie oynoff , Baker , ooiav Soleh Bagbouri . Kmngold , _Casr-i . Eisende : : • tiie Suri _. _- in-tenci-nt of i _ _olice _^ , Mr . J . M . Kvds . the Depute Suoerintenao - _it of I _^ oliee , Mr . K . P . Hading- , am : Mr . C .. T . _. . nrver , cf the i . W . D . : Mr . M . Cotran , Chief _Ch-ik of _-J . -. e Supreii _:-- Court : ; • _LUmbc-as of the Clerical Staff of i t o . e Jerusalem Law _CcMirtsand ; Mr . and ? _vlrs . John Salameh . . - , were received from Message Mr . Justice Copland , who was unable to attend , because of illness _. Colonel Campigli , Judge _Hubbard , Judge d _. acjoy . Judge K _ _. _- rr . jy _ _-r . n . D . S . i . cod _> _Ii-s . ( oi _. eo . Mr . J . TLo . isern an , Mr . and Mrs . Ibrahim _Sahaoun and o : oer members of t _., - • _S- oyoun i :. M . - . ily , do idaifa . lewis i and A ! d > Bar Associations . and others . many About _?•> wreaths were laid , include tliose from H . E . the High _Ccaodssi OOT _; tbe Chief Ja- ice : dr ¦ _Ciiicf Secretary and jn < _-n- > !> r rs of the Sec etc ri it : the A *¦ ¦¦ _¦! ,. c . v-General and members j ef the Legal _HepaC men : ; Jus- j tices _t - ¦ of tl ¦ Sunrenie _v _4 _v . c • ; rt : the

L IV .. I - ....... .... ., _, . , .. _^ . . I Ti , _apector-i _leivr-i ; and n . embers of doe Palest in-. - Police : _> _o . ionel j i Ca . moigh ond staf : of the Pal- ! estine Ra v \ ays ; District Commissioners ar . d officers of the District Administrations ; Palestinian Judges of the Supreme Court Presidents of the District _; Courts ; Judges of the District ! CourtsHeads and members of ; Government Departments ; the _Mavor of Jerusalem and mem-be-s of the M . nicoal Commission : staffs of the Palestine Law Courts . Jewish ancl Lvrah Par Associationsand others . ; many

SCHEME OUTLINED AT JERUSALEMJ . ECTURE President Series s scheme for a new order European was outlined by Dr . A . Kafka , a Czechoslovak diplomat , at a meeting held by the Polish Club of _Friends of Great Britain on Thursday afternoon in Jerusalem . The lecturer gave a spirited and well-balanced outline of his national leader s _iplan forj j post-war European reconstruction as formulated toy Dr . Benes in speeches to tthe Universities of Aberdeen aind Edinburgh _, j Dr . Benes feels that the foun-j dation stone of the whole ofj s _reconstruction must Europe be the indivisibility of Euro- j pean security and peace based : ut _. -on a federal system of Con

solidarity . Whilst the ; of Xa tions should be j in a new and _effective ! should be or- : Europe into a number of fed- ; blocks of stales on a

I tinenta . I _Lsague revived I j form , ! ! i gamzed crated natural ;; . _Cimpii i ! d orm :

geographical basis . _ : ° - _S _«^ ( ANA ) . __ imj ( _ennanvs Wina _; s . yy ay _, , , A luncheon partv was ht . d yes J - < _jiiv must not . be al- . r _ ; , * 1 Ao .. a _^ . n „ , lce 1 . P- , 0 to Vetain what she has , _^ . _¦ A _, J f . - lCairoIn honour of _Tn . M . the . ov forco . _Pt u . -. -i ( an hege * -- o _-ev German - , musbe ; Empress _Fawiveh of _Iroi , woo once once and and for for aili aiII . . Other Other | j is _Paying a visit to _Kgyp t now . es e _^ , . _, like _d - i ke . e Hungary nail Hun _^ _e ad . _-v \ , must must mu _^ f ! M _Aio , -,, - : i . _- , ng . . d tho A !; _gnesis Mustafa v . cr- _d Prince _. abas

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brodcii I . countries change from the feudal to thej democratic _system in order to be _ucvepred in : o the ranks ofj the states forming tlhe post- j j war . | Europe j j ! Addressing a public mainly | I composed ot Poles andl Czecho- ! I Slovaks , Dr . Kafka _ga _^ ye a dejI tailed account of thco planned , i confederation cf _Czechoslovakia j | ana Poland , a central ! part of )| li President Benes . s plan , and . described the recent , agree- ; ! ! ment . He stressed the demo

poscl cratic confederation character of , the which pro- f H , _KsT _<*>> - , T _. u _C , Tf il , _^ . / _> l . l . , l » _? | i

| will secure of humani for their . citizens the j ii j . . ! : rights y , ( especially | A _etjual right of _access to ali ; pj _t ¦ S . ate offices , an indie-pendent J ¦ judiciary , and control of Gov- ~ - _- . ¦ ernment by freeiy-ei . ected representatives . iDr , Kafka s audience was deeply impressed by the state- _ craft shown by the Czecho- P _ . Slovak President and by the j j : 1 lecturer s excellent nesume of i j | ! of the a plan _sioort iir instructive . o the frramework lecture . fi j .


BEIRUT , Sunday . — Plans tutl _f _° AL 0 nai _^ status l _^ after the war cons in . [ - for a _Pan-Arah con _oLmc _S-ress _, toj tn terms which would led B . _ be H _hfM I _^ M somewhere u in the _^ , tain to a definite course of acMzdnie J ? _. _as-t , on the hnes of | tion subiact , when the time the Pan-American Congress comes , to the fundamental at Rio de Janeiro , are -be- condition of a broad measure lieved to be under discussion of agreement between the main again . political elements in India to _Soeculation has been aroused whom the government of that by the presence here of Jamil country must eventually be en_3 f _trussed . ( R < to cr and BOP )

Marrism _A / _TO _^ OW , T _„„ . the _< _-un former c . _ - BeySyr ian Prime Minister ¦ and Xa-J tionab st leader , and his - pro _; _jected trip to Egypt next week . following his return from there j onllast month . It is affirmed y j i in some quarters that he is j ! actively concerned with plans j for a conference . ;

_Cvow that th e political situa-jj eremv Raismansaid todav tion uas _oecome more _stabi _. z-l , , . *• _, , .. , ! r _™ s dthat . ne ed . especially in Egypt since ; t _^ e _f ~ cr c \ _* : _- _Propose d _- _ on the Ward s into . , ; - LL _jlurehatge coming power iiL ! income tax ait . _i-uoer-iax be

lt _. -. is • opaarendy „ .. „ ..,... r felt .. that _.. . the .,.. j time is ripe for a _marshnllingj of an Arab united front against i Axis .. -. ungues _EjwDSFQ _L ! _^ _. . _dds _^ op CM * _mm i <\ _rti PF _rciLU TFD : !

Jdc . a , the _Kgyplian Prime M _, n- | _$ mwmm _* _IHlJWMlJaWli _. i . -Ofoa o . _loh . a a anoao _. c _ahmoinl _t , ; Khaleel Boy , President of ihe ;; j __ . __ -- ___ _- _» . -, —1 « , - _» , -, Seauta , Kir M-ca Lampson , thej . ; SPECIAL OFFFF ! _H Ti--: a . o Amba . - sydor m c _airo . : . : the danion _Arodo- _ssador in Cairo !; . _ „ , ¦ General A . ichbiie . _k , Commander- j _; ; I Offer at favourable U in-ch . r ef of the British _Forces in | • i prices European aualitv * t ! : e _^ icPue cast . I 3 ngao : er _G-en- ; . 1 „ . _„ , ¦ ,. M era . ! MaxwellPresident of be I ¦ furniture : Bedroom , din- , ; A . -ierican . _Arilitary Delegation , inl room study , salon , Ibrahim Atallah Pasha , ihe T . t . ian Chi _. -t of the staff < . f _f-0- Large selection . Pgvp nasr _ Pasha _^^ . _^ Minister _^ of _ De _^ fence _^ . _^^ _I R _SCHKINIER P 1 _iMjtijW-BbgyruS _vbws _& esil A f

_OPPORTUNITY ! \ y I , Luxurious bedroom ( birch t _, ; surface , mahogany insidei : fi ! lo . _aurious dining-room ( ro . se- 1 1 v . - _o-l sovi ace . mahogany insLLco belli model designs i i-ni the Leipzig Fair ; i-ri-giOH 1 , I mpire salon , new dtcinway baby grand piano , biour ; oi ; s dinner and _crystal _^ ¦ ¦ se -vices ( Koha . lt and Ooicdli paintings ov \ vor ; d-kno \ vn [ . ¦ _N _* iTH _« N artists Max | . _wmn I 1 , j ¦ 4 , -, ( , < , r _< lon St ., T _e 1 A \ i v . ¦ ; _| ,. JA )_ _Vl _ B __ i _^_ _9 | _BlSilSi _^ _P _^ i _? ,

There is no doubt a widedemand lng for a new and spread clear exposition _ffClnd of [ the _^ inten

NEW TAXATION NEW DELHI . Sunday ( PL ) . — Announcing new taxation proposals to provide partial cover for an estimated deficit of . £ L , 5 . 2 r > 0 . 000 in the next financial tho Finance MinisterSir year , ,

raised roughly to 50 per cent . ? h- Jeremy Raisman proposed as a counter-inflationary measure to make income between £ 75 and Alow liable to Income Tax and to levy an all-round Cdi . -doms surcharge of 20 pea _caot , on the e- < _^ st ng import tariff _, excea-r . _ra-a , cotton , netro and £ a . t . The petrol tax would be , raised by 2 ) per cert and post and uiegraph rates would also be increased .

the large furniture . . shop in town .

. ; 6 Avoda St ., near King c j , j . George Street , Tel Aviv .

_pmmmmmmm _^ \ _WMHMPJMU _)

_^ # _^

⁨לחיצה על "ביטול" תעצור את ההדרכה. לחיצה על "אישור" או בכל מקום אחר תמשיך את ההדרכה⁩

⁨להסתרת חלונית המידע או התאמת את רוחב הצפיין⁩

⁨להגדלת הצפיין⁩

⁨להקטנת הצפיין⁩

⁨מעבר לגיליון הקודם⁩

⁨מעבר לדף המידע על הכותר - לצפייה ברשימת כל הגיליונות⁩

⁨מעבר לגיליון הבא⁩

⁨צפו בתוצאת החיפוש הקודמת⁩

⁨חזרה לרשימת תוצאות החיפוש⁩

⁨צפו בתוצאת החיפוש הבאה⁩

⁨לחצו על הכפתור הימני של העכבר ועל ⁨מאמר⁩ כדי לצפות באפשרויות⁩

⁨הפעלת מצב QA⁩

⁨לגזור חלק מהעיתון⁩

⁨זום אין ⁩

⁨זום אאוט⁩